Saturday was beautiful! This year has been a nice easy autumn, and I've really enjoyed the gradual ease into the cold weather. It truly couldn't have been a more lovely day for a walk-a-thon. David and I arrived right around 3pm and got our "team" signed in. I was so proud arriving at the registration knowing that our team was able to raise more than $2000! They gave us all this shwag, which, I was actually a little disappointed by... it mostly when into the trash which I look at as an extreme was of money that could otherwise have gone to research, but I guess I see what they are trying to do... create awareness, branding, etc. They just could have done it was better stuff.
BTW... Thank you again to everyone who contributed!!!

While we were getting situated, I was able to speak with a few fellow sufferers of Crohns and Colitis, and I can't begin to tell you how amazing it was to talk to people who go through the same thing I go through on a daily basis. Their stories were heartfelt and inspirational and I was honored to share in them. I loved the camaraderie, the fact that I didn't have to explain why I ran to the bathroom so much, and the idea that we were all working to raise awareness and help find a cure together. I was so encouraged I offered to be on the volunteer organization committee next year... you never know, maybe we can step it up a bit and get people to really take notice!
My friend Desiree came to support me on the walk with two of her kids, Isaac and Anna. Desiree's son Isaac was the first to cross the finish line and he was so proud of himself. Later, Isaac took his little sister up on stage to participate in the "Best Team-Name Contest," which we did not win, but it was so cool to see how enthusiastic they were about participating. It meant a lot to me to have a friend like Desiree show up with her family in tow... the support was awesome.

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