Late last night, David and I arrived back in Boise after a 10-day trip visiting family in Wisconsin, Massachusetts, and Virginia. It was a lovely trip, and so good to see family and even squeeze in a visit with a few friends too. If we missed you while we were in your neck of the woods, I apologize, it was hard to fit everyone into such a short period of time combined with all the family stuff we were up to, and I swear we did our very best. We decided to do the multi-leg trip because it seemed easier and more cost and vacation-time efficient than going back and forth across the country on separate trips to see everyone, and now that we've done it, we've decided that it is officially the best way to do family trips, and it will be how we do them from here on out. Next time, we're planning to hit up Charlotte too, and make it a Manchester
and Lopez family tour rather than just a Manchester family tour. (More on our trip later... I'm waiting for a few photos to share with you!)
We finally got to meet our beautiful niece Madelyn |
As many of you know I've been terribly lacking in my blogging efforts as of late and much of that had to do with May being so busy, but let's face it, it was also a case of writer's block. And it was difficult to get into the groove of blogging without having my own computer. However, today, David surprised me with a new iMac of my own, and a mission to get my blog back on track. I'm so excited!!!
Thank you for bearing with me... I'll be getting you up-to-date on everything Kookoobirdie as soon as possible!
Oh... and belated Rabbit Rabbit! Have a delightful June!
Lopi!Jones here. David is a gem. Blog, Belle, Blog! Have missed your dispatches and it lights fire under bewarethebrownrecluse.blogspot too. Bon ete!